I’m sorry I haven’t written for a couple days. How many has it been? Four?
I’m sorry, school has taken up all of my free time and you all know I love writing on my blog. You all love me, right? Of course you do! And when I don’t write to you I can imagine it’s like milk without cookies. Life has no purpose.
No, just kidding. You have your lives and I have mine. You just occasionally decide to see what I’m up to because I’m an interestingly wild person who has, like, no self control.
Today will pretty much be a catch-up blog day . . . I don’t have anything specific I really want to talk to you about. Other than Tokyo Ghoul, but I know if I start talking about Tokyo Ghoul I won’t stop and by the time you are bored with this post I will only have gone through one thousandth of what I really want to say. And, for all of you out there that haven’t watched Tokyo Ghoul, I would spoil, like, every little detail. And then you wouldn’t watch it and then I would be sad.
Isn’t he great?
Don’t worry. If you are confused, he is a guy.
I can’t stop. I’ll save you guys now and I will stop obsessing over Juuzou. And Tokyo Ghoul. For now, at least.
Back to what I was really going to talk about!
So, again, I am really excited to cosplay Sasha Braus! She and I seem to be really similar. But, let’s face it; I am definitely more crazy than she is. At least she seems to have some sort of grasp on her sanity.
But I now have the costume and it’s so cool! I can’t wait for this Saturday . . . and on Friday, when I am going to one of my friend’s Halloween parties! I will get into character and show off Sasha’s amazingness. It’ll be great.
Almost all of my friends are cosplaying too. Korra, Luffy, and Miku will also be cosplayed. If I can figure out how to download pictures, I will put them up on my blog! Most likely not, though, I suck with technology.
Anyone have anything else you want me to write about? Anything new going on? Anything you want to talk to me about, personal or not? If so, either email me or comment! Thanks for reading this post, I know I didn’t really talk about anything today.
Oh, and my friend is having me to read Legend by Marie Lu. If anyone likes that book, let me know and we can talk about it!
Bye! I will blog again soon, until next time!
<3 Lindsay
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